Benefits of Onions and Garlic for Babies

Onion and garlic is a plant that is often used as a traditional herb to overcome various diseases. Besides this traditional herb has been used in the treatment of hereditary infant.Benefits of onion and garlic benefits are numerous. It can be seen from substances present in the garlic and onion. Garlic itself contains some positive substances such as calcium, saltivin, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C.Garlic benefits for babies include:

Baby's blood circulation because it contains anti-cholesterol.Contains vitamin A so it is good for the baby's eyes organ development.Can act as antibacterial and antibiotic, thereby increasing the baby's immune system.Sulfur content in the bacteria can kill the viruses that cause colds and coughs.Work that helps the baby's gut metabolism of gastric digestion in the stomach to be smooth and health can be maintained.Grated garlic can treat various skin conditions such as sores, irritation, bruising, and herpes (because garlic can kill the herpes virus).Some of the benefits of garlic can be considered the mother to begin to introduce garlic to the babies who have started to get food intake. To obtain the benefits of garlic are mom can add a little garlic on baby cereal or other foods consumed by infants.While the onions contain substances such as phosphorus, niacin, vitamin C, sulfur, calcium, enzymes alinase, essential oils, acids, phenols, and pectin. These substances may provide positive benefits for babies.Benefits for baby onions:

Grated onion can reduce fever in infants. Grated onion is mixed with olive oil and Telon, then apply to the entire surface of the body of a baby who had a fever.
Can overcome flatulence and colds in babies by applying the onion has softened on the baby's stomach.Essential oil content in the onions can act as a antibacterial and antiseptic.Onion to the blood circulation to the baby's body.Can cope with the disease that often affects infants such as coughs, colds, and intestinal worms.Now we know the benefits of onion and garlic are very positive for the baby, then there is no harm to the mother tried switching to traditional herb for the treatment of her baby.