The Things That Can Cause Defects Babies

Pregnancy is a natural process for women. And all women expecting a baby in her womb would be born with perfect. But for some reason women may experience pregnancy disorder that causes birth defects.

Alcohol and cigarettes.

Two of these items has long been medically proven to cause many disorders of pregnancy even cause congenital defects. Teratogen or alcohol are capable of causing disturbances in embryonic development of the fetus so that the baby is born with an imperfect physical. Alcohol-exposed fetuses at risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), a syndrome that causes physical and brain abnormalities in infants.

In the United alcohol is a major cause of birth defects to mothers aged 18-44 years who consumed alcohol. Alcohol consumed by pregnant women will get into the body of the fetus through the placenta, which then damage the developing fetal organs, especially the brain, even in severe conditions that can cause failure of the fetus. Types of defects caused by FAS can be varied, some of which is the size of a small baby's head, hearing loss, liver damage, impaired vision, and physical disability.

These symptoms may continue to grow until the baby is big with a form of delayed speech, hyperactivity, and low IQ. Not much different with alcohol, cigarettes also have the ability to damage the developing fetus. Pregnant women who smoke means also toxic to the fetus. Smoking can decrease the oxygen supply to the fetus, thereby interfering with brain development as well as great physical risk to the baby and birth defects such as cleft lip and heart defects. Science journal published by the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association says that smoking is associated with defects umbing lips or oral cavity defects in babies born to women smokers.


The use of several types of drugs during pregnancy can cause birth defects. For example, in pregnant women who consume the type of hypertension drug captopril. Captopril is an enzyme inhibitor that works to control blood pressure. But these drugs have a negative risk to the fetus, because it is teratogenic (fetal damage). In 1984 the National Institutes of Health recommended a ban on the use of these drugs during pregnancy, because through the study drug is shown to cause decreased blood flow and oxygen to the fetus. Then in the following years many studies have shown that exposure to captopril causes birth defects such as heart defects, cleft lip, incomplete limbs, polydactyly (multiple fingers), hypospadias (abnormal penis), spina bifida (spinal deformity) and delay lung function.Exposure to chemicals.Some chemicals can cause deformed babies, mercury or mercury for example. Mercury is used by pregnant women can enter and settle in the body of the fetus. Research has shown that mercury can cause deformed babies in the womb or after delivery in the form of mental retardation, dumb, blind, and seizures.


Malnutrition or poor nutrition causes many disorders of pregnancy and birth defects, especially in poor countries. Lack of vitamin A, B, K, calcium, iodine, magnesium, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and shown to cause birth defects. Each type of nutrient deficiency effects of different disabilities, but in general lead to infant malnutrition, heart defects, crippled legs, lips sumbuing, hidrisefalus, stunted, blindness, ear lobe curved, and mental retardation. In fact, malnutrition can also cause failure of the fetus, it is most common in areas that are experiencing economic crisis and food.


In some genetic conditions are also factors causing fetal defects and failures, that is a single gene disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, and multifactorial. Single gene disorders are inherited defects from parent to child, caused by damage to the functioning of enzymes that break down the amino acid phenylalanine. These defects can form a central nerve damage that causes death. Chromosomal abnormalities may cause defects in infants with various forms of mental retardation one of them. Multifactorial and can be caused by DNA mutations and exposure to hazardous substances on the fetus, such as abnormalities of the spine and the lack of a baby's brain volume.