What Makes a Babies Obesity?

Obesity in infants might be a sign that the baby is obese. If the baby's parents are both overweight then chances are 80% fat while the children will come only if one of their parents then chances are 40% obese children become obese. Therefore, parents who are themselves obese need to be aware of the possibility of reduced obesity in their infants.
Characteristics of obesity that is easily viewed from the physical characteristics of these infants. If the baby fat and look great then check to make sure the baby's weight if he is obese or not. Weight infants who are above the average normal weight for age indicate symptoms of obesity. In addition, body mass index could be calculated for the baby even more convincing. Body mass index equal to the baby's weight (kg) divided by height {baby (cm) / 100) x 2}. If the value is equal to or greater than 0.95 then the babies are obese. Characteristic of obesity also can be determined by the ratio between the baby's weight with ideal weight should be. If the comparison value equal to or more than 120% of the infants tested positive for obesity. And again, if the excess weight of the baby up for 1 to 3 months and the increase is above the average increase in weight of the baby so the baby could be affected by obesity.
Not only from the measurement of body weight, a hallmark of obesity can be seen from a specific physical shape. Obesity in infants is characterized by many folds in the body, especially on the chin. The baby looks pudgy cheeks and a short neck. Baby's body look disproportionate because height is not normally as ideal height of his age.
At a baby boy, a hallmark of obesity seen from a breast augmentation on his chest. In addition, a baby boy this would have a small genitals. This is because fatty tissue in the genital area to accumulate and inhibit the development of the genitals.
Obesity in infants can also be identified from diet and lifestyle experienced by the infant. For example, if the baby was rarely moves or less do the activities and events. Excessive infant feeding patterns and not nutritious. If this happens then the parents should be aware of obesity in their infants.